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A Guide To Glass Selection For Buildings

Due to technological improvements achieved in the last 30 years, glass has become an important building material. More and more building surfaces are covered with glass. Accordingly, a correct selection of glass type is crucial. The glass used in today’s window and facades does more things than many people perhaps realise. From prime concerns like safety, security, and environmental protection to convenient functions like self cleaning or practical qualities like scratch resistance or design aspects, the choices are many and varied.

Guide To Glass Selection

Types of Glass Mainly Used In Buildings

  1. Flat Glass
  2. Safety Glass
  3. Coloured Glass
  4. Starfire Glass
  5. Glass Mirrors
  6. Acid Etched Glass
  7. Etched Glass
  8. Fire-rated Glass


Glass Selection

When selecting the type of glass used for buildings a number of different characteristics should be evaluated. Here are some of the glass properties to consider:

Solar control
Solar energy can be pleasant and utilisable in many cases, but especially in buildings, it represents a major source of overheating and unpleasant glare. Solar control glass, usually either body-tinted (absorbing) or coated (reflecting), is used to reduce unwanted solar radiant light and heat energy transmitted through glass.

Audio insulation
The need to restrict sound arriving from the external environment means that glass should be able to shield and insulate the internal spaces of a building.  Type of glass used is the major factor influencing the passage of sound. The most common types of glass used are laminated and insulating glass. Laminated glass incorporates a special PVB interlayer, which absorbs some of the incident sound energy, reducing its passage. Better sound insulation can also be achieved with double-glazed glass .

Thermal insulation
The U value is a measure of the rate of heat loss of a building component. Lower U-Values are achieved by multiple glazing layers, gases and the use of low-e coatings.

Glass is subjected to different types of environmental and human loads, which can cause glazed surfaces to malfunction or break. Since each load has a specific impact on glass, with different calculation formulas, it is important to understand each of these phenomena in order to choose the appropriate glass.

Visual appearance
When we talk about visual appearance we have in mind the color of glass surface. Thanks to the latest manufacturing processes, glass can be made available in several colors. When we combine single sheets of glass, they typically change in overall color and appearance. Glass color appearance can be also conditioned by several environmental factors such as sunlight, reflected sky and clouds, etc.

Safety and security

To improve its resistance to impact and breakage, glass can be either toughened or laminated, depending on where and how it is being used.Toughened glass offers a distinct safety advantage, not only being less likely to break but also, when it does break, producing very small fragments that are relatively harmless.

Laminated glass can be made so strong that it is practically impossible to break, making it feasible to use glass wherever desired, even where high security requirements apply, including bullet-resistant applications. In the case of breakage, fragments adhere to the flexible “interlayer” between glass layers, reducing the chance of injuries.

Fire resistance

A range of fire-resistant glass types is available that offers increasing levels of protection. Fire-resistant glass must meet strict levels of integrity and insulation, or integrity. Fire-resistant glass must always be specified as part of a tested and approved glazing system and installed by specialists to be sure of reaching expected fire performance, if required.


Glass can transform work spaces and work environments. A wide range of effects, patterns and colours allows interior designers endless possibilities in look and atmosphere. In offices and other professional settings, glass offers a fresh, light yet serious aesthetic and has the advantage of being a material that wears exceptionally well and is impervious to moisture and most cleaning products.

Why Choose Us?

There are loads of reasons to choose us for your glass need. We stock many different types of glass with a variety of thicknesses and sizes. We can custom cut your glass and mirror as per your specifications. We are a full service glass and mirror company. We do everything in glass and mirror.