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Bear Glass Glue Chip Glass Is A Unique Way To Showcase Your Home Or Business.

Bear Glass is the 4th generation family business specializing in Glue Chip Glass.  We stock the largest variety of flat glass in a variety of sizes and color, customizing your Glue Chip Glass.  Alongside of glue chipping we can also fabricate your glass to your needs, from cutting to beveling and more, making Bear Glass your one time glass shop. Glue Chip Glass is basically clear and used for visual diffusion.  This obscure texture allows maximum light to pass while giving cool frozen frost type texture to view.

Glue chipping is the simple process of coating glass with an animal hide glue to the surface of the glass.  The glue which was melted in a double boiler will flow on the surface of the glass about 1/16″ thick.  For best result some artist prefer to sandblast the glass before applying the glue.  As the glue dries (key point) it will contract and chip the surface.

Thus, the term glue chipping. Many factors are key to successful glass chipping.  Some factors are humidity, glass surface, heat, and time.  Additional techniques can be used with glass chipping such as masking off a design on the glass to prevent chipping.  Many sign makers do this for lettering.   Silvering the back or front of chipped glass creates a great mirror.

Glue Chip Glass is a texture that looks like frost during the winter or fern like pattern on a window pane.  This attractive random pattern is created by applying hot animal glue to the sandblasted surface of clear float glass and as it dries, the glue shrinks and cools removing flakes of glass from the surface.   Glue chip glass technique can be used with clear or tinted glass as well as mirrors.  If extra strength is needed it may also be tempered.

As the glue dries, and contracts, it pulls flakes of glass off the surface in a random fashion.  Glue chip glass is very popular for backgrounds in windows and cabinets and is especially beautiful combined with bevels and bevel clusters.

Think outside the box and design your kitchen or bath with our beautiful G lue Chip Glass that will stand out from the ordinary.   Glue Chip Glass that has a frosted design with a very interesting process gives the glass this unique and individual design, and is popular as a  glass room divider panel.  Adding a lot more privacy and separation, yet still allowing the light to flow through it.  Many windows and doors use this technique to add elegance to its environment.  It has been used occasionally in signs and in stained glass windows since the early 20th century.   Glue chip special properties allows every design to be different, giving a uniqueness to every piece of glass or mirror.

Our Glue Chip Glass gives uniqueness to any mirror.  Glass off the surface in a random fashion.  Glue chip glass is very popular for backgrounds in windows and cabinets and bevel clusters.

For more information on our Glue Chip Glass please contact Bear Glass at:



Bear Glass Inc.

399 20th Street

Brooklyn, NY 11215

Phone: 718-832-3604

Fax: 718-832-0786


If you are in New Jersey:

Bear Glass New Jersey

359 Essex Road

Tinton Falls New Jersey 07753

P: 732 901 2626

F: 732 901 2266
