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Warm Your Interior With Insulated Glass Unit

Insulated Glass

Insulated Glass

Insulated glass units, or IGUs, are fabricated to keep your buildings warm in the winter and cool in the summer. This is a type of tempered glass. It protects you from all thermal and chemical heats. Insulated Glass or Double-pane glass can be used in both residential and commercial buildings. Insulated Glass is a combination of two or more pieces of glass isolated by air space. An Insulated Glass provides excellent thermal insulation. It is required by building codes in many areas as a mandatory energy conservation measure. 3/4″ and with airspace thicknesses ranging from 3/16″ to 7/8″ having standard spacer colors of clear, bronze and black anodized, and mill finish aluminum. Maximum sizes for insulated glass units are determined by a number of considerations including thickness, weight, aspect ratio, application and load requirements. Bear Glass is one of the best Insulated Glass  Fabricator in this country. In this winter install an Insulated Glass wall panel, doors, and windows and keep your room warm.

Benefits Of Insulated Glass

There is much prosperity of using insulated window and door products in your home or office. They not only reduce one’s energy costs but also effective in lowering undesirable sound transmission.

In the summer, heat is spread through the glass and is engrossed by the walls, furniture, floors, etc. By utilizing window and entryway products with a low solar warmth pick up coefficient, the sun based radiation coming into one’s house is diminished. By using window and door products with a low solar heat gain coefficient, the solar radiation coming into one’s home is decreased. This lower the volume of heat entering the interior, thereby improving one’s interiors’ comfort level and reducing the amount of energy needed for cooling during summer season months. Moreover, during the winter seasons, insulated units create warmer interior glass surfaces, decreasing frost and condensation from forming.

The other prosperity is that during daytime hours, sunlight is disseminated through the glass and is absorbed by the glass walls, IG furniture, and flooring. Window glass selection influences the type and intensity of UV rays, which causes fading and degradation.

Key Performance Requirements

  • Thermal Insulation: The primary logic for using Insulated Glass is to cut down on the thermal heat coming from outside.
  • Working Principle: Dry air is a poor conductor of heat. Due to the air-gap, the conducted heat through glass is reduced significantly as it reaches the second pane.
  • Structural Strength: Insulated Glass Units are usually excessively weighty. For example, IGUs often act as structural members of the building.
    It is paramount that the strength of IGUs is maintained.

Why Bear Glass?

Bear Glass is a one stop all types glass and mirror solution in NYC, Brooklyn, Canada and also all over the USA. We are a full-service glass fabricator, glass distributor and glass importer serving Industrial, Architectural customers worldwide. Our specialty is to fabricate the best quality Insulated Glass. We offer you the best price for the insulated glass. We can replace insulated glass windows, doors or any unit. In this Christmas buy an IGUs and make feel the warmth of interior beauty.