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Order Your Shower Door Now At Bear Glass

Bathtub door

Bathtub door

We pride ourselves on our glass shower door. The industry standard for glass is that if you can’t see a blemish from ten feet away, it passes. But think about it? How often are you in a shower enclosure and stand ten feet away from the glass? That’s why we inspect all our glass from arm’s length away. While most glass companies manufacture and fabricate glass you look THROUGH, Bear Glass is focused on glass you look AT.

Order your framed shower door now

Framed shower door

A budget-friendly option to decorate your shower door is framed shower door.

We have endless collections of framed shower doors for sale in Brooklyn, NY. If you have a limited budget but at the same time you want an elegant glass shower door, you can install a framed shower door. We offer the best quality and custom fabrication including door glass edgework.

We also provide:

Why frameless shower door?

frameless shower door

When you are upgrading your shower room, there are lots of options on the market today and seemingly more choices than ever before. Depending on the appearance and functionality that you want, there are all types of variables to choose from. One specific thing that can make your shower room really pop is to install frameless shower glass.

The benefits of frameless shower doors are numerous. Not only will this type of shower enclosure add value to your home, it will also last a long time. This type of glass installation is easy to maintain and will keep water in your shower where it belongs rather than on the floor making a mess. Because of its easy maintenance, frameless shower glass can reduce the number of limestone deposits on your shower.
Best idea to decor the bathroom with bathtub enclosures

We’ve got years of experience in the fabrication and installation of all type bathtub enclosures and screens. There are all kinds of benefits to bathtub glass screen compared to a shower curtain. They are becoming more and more popular, as people everywhere are opting for their sleek, modern appearance and all the benefits that they can provide to a bathroom’s overall look.

Along with the appearance factor, bathtub glass enclosures are also a lot cleaner than shower curtains and will last for years and years with minimal maintenance. There is no shortage of design options, and the possibilities are really up to your imagination.

One very popular style today is a frameless glass bathtub enclosure. This style is particularly clean and sleek looking but also works extremely well in homes that have a more classic design. There is a multitude of different door options, from sliding doors to hinged doors in all kinds of styles, with and without railings. There are also a lot of different types of glass that can be used, from clear to frosted, and with a number of different patterns if that’s more your style.

Along with the standard stock sized items, of course, there are all kinds of custom glass bathtub enclosures as well. No matter the shape and size of your bathroom, we can create a custom design that will look like it was built with your home. In a lot of older homes, bathrooms have been changed over the years, and we can make sure that your bathtub and shower is completely up to date.

Now, when you’re looking for professional installation, you want to have experts do it so that it’s done right. That’s exactly where we come in. We’ve got years of experience in the fabrication and installation of bathtub enclosures, and we want to put that experience to work for you. We pride ourselves on our great customer service, and we will aim to not just meet but exceed your expectations.

We also provide semi-frameless and custom glass shower door in Brooklyn, NY and also all over the USA and Canada.

How to clean your glass shower door?

White Vinegar:
Apply with a nonabrasive nylon scrubber. Gently scrub the glass and rinse. In between treatments, either wipe down the glass after your shower or use a squeegee on it. After you have done the initial cleaning, you can spray on full-strength vinegar once a week and rinse to maintain clean shower doors. Be sure to wear a mask and have as much ventilation as possible.

Liquid Toilet Bowl Cleaner:
Squeeze toilet bowl cleaner on glass doors and spread it around with a bristle brush. Rinse it completely off. Be sure to test a small area on your shower door, metal runner and bathtub to make sure that it is not caustic. Absolutely wear rubber gloves, wear a mask and ventilate bathroom.

Fabric Softener Sheets:
Wet a fabric softener sheet adequately and wipe down shower doors. Rinse thoroughly. It will also leave your hands feeling soft and clean.

A variation on the dryer-sheet cleaning method is to wipe the glass show doors with a dryer sheet that you do not wet. Then rinse.

One more variation is to add a little baking soda to a wet dryer sheet or two, scrub door and rinse.

Corn Starch:
Make a paste of cornstarch and water. Scrub glass doors and rinse.

Make your shower door more impressive with ClearShield®

Want to protect your glass shower door from water rush, dirt? Install Bear Glass ClearShield® coating shower enclosures. So for your any type glass shower enclosure, Bear Glass would be the best choice in the USA.