Antique Mirror for Modern Hospitality

A radiant antique mirror can be parked center stage in your home. On the wall or on a tabletop, a vintage mirror has the one-of-the-kind character to reflect period decor or just your sophisticated taste.

From the last few years, the antique mirror has been one of the focal points of the residential and commercial interiors and are considered an essential interior furnishing material by many top interior designers in this country. The vintage mirror has become more popular in every interior decoration nowadays. Not only does the vintage mirror serve artwork purpose but it also has the ability to transform a room and can easily alter the ambiance giving a feeling of greater space and depth.

An antique mirror with an antique style frame border makes an elegant vanity tray for perfume bottles or the cosmetics cases. The best activity of the vintage mirror in a living room coffee table, a bar countertop, or the center of a dining table, etc.

vulcano antique mirror glass

vulcano antique mirror glass

Applications of Antique Mirror

Room partitions:

An Antique mirror as room partition is a unique concept definitely than your neighbors. Because generally printed, painted or etched glass is used for room dividers. But the antique mirror is a less used glass for home purpose. So if you want to jellos your relatives and neighbors, you have decor your room with an antique mirror glass partitions.


The antique mirror can be used for the residential or commercial kitchen splashback. Antiqued mirror glass can create a very attractive feature in kitchens and bathrooms. Aesthetically it works well with both traditional and contemporary kitchens for backsplashes, and its ability to hide splash-marks helps on a practical level too.

Countertop & Tabletops:

The Antique mirror can also be used for the countertop in reception, kitchen, bathroom, etc. We can supply custom color, custom fabrication, and many other options. Antiqued mirror tabletops are also given an elegant look to your interior. You can put it anywhere you want, like; kitchen, dining space etc.

Mirrored furniture:

Add a unique and classy antique mirror furniture from Bear Glass. Bedside table or chests, console tables, mirrored wardrobes etc. are also available at Bear Glass. We have an endless stock of antique mirrored furniture.

Featured wall:

One of the most impressive ways to the use of antiqued mirror glass is to clad an entire wall with it. This can generate an almost ritzy effect in terms of altering and manipulating the quality of space. In your office, you can use an antiqued mirror wall for the conference room or as room partitions.

Cabinet insert:

If the cabinets of your office are viewed on a regular basis, then it is too important that you have to select the best eye-catching and satisfying type of glass. A vintage mirror surely gives you a retro look. Antique mirror cabinet insert is a popular furniture in office purpose.

Lobby area:

An antique mirror can also be used in the lobby area. The lobby is a room in a building used for entry from the outside. You can decorate your office lobby area with the vintage mirrors.

Wet bar:

Bear Glass can change your wet bar wall with the antiqued mirror. We can also install vintage mirror cabinet inserts for your wet bars. You can use a decorative glass countertop here. Any decoration can be possible with antique mirror.

Bear Glass provides custom size antiqued mirror glass in NY. So if you need to decorate your interior with antique mirror glass, Contact us.